Gm Base Food
Premium street food For You!We welcome you at the country’s first street food restaurant that is gluten free, GMO free, sandwiches free of added sugars, and four legged friend free.
Our history begins now
Gluten and lactose free
not just for those with a sensitivity

Todays science has proven leaving behind a gluten inclusive diet frees you from a host of sicknesses and their complications. But where can we turn if we don’t have that extra 1 or 2 hours to prepare a full healthy meal?
Well, we’ll be waiting for you in our gluten free Gm Base restaurants with healthier and tastier dining options.

Fourlegged free sandwiches
Our menu options are made strictly from four legged animal free ingredients
The Gm Base Street Food restaurant chain came about as the solution to eating animal friendly and also living with gluten sensitivity.

Our foods are freshly prepared with our own technology. Fresh breads, seasoned turkey meat patties, and our very own allergen free sauces
Spice fried chiken sandwiches & Box
(In process)
Our constantly expanding selection is waiting for you. Once you taste them we hope we become a daily part of your life.
From 2790HUF
XLarge Base burger
If you would like to enjoy a larger portion sized GM hamburger we offer our hamburgers in sizes that are out of this world.
From 3680HUF
Base Burger meal
Extra large burger meal, includes fresh fries and a choice of dipping sauces. This is a lasting gastronomical experience.
From 990HUF
McCain fries
Our fries can be ordered with a choice of our special sauces.
Gluten free Waffles
(In process)
Naturaly our version of a waffle is tuned in to your taste buds.
Gluten free crepes
(In process)
A classic in a new light. If you’ve been waiting ages for that classic taste.
GM Base Street Food

“Nagyon finom volt,Köszönöm”
“Párommal ettünk ott 2 napja. Én gluténérzékeny vagyok, a párom viszont nem.Mindkettőnknek nagyon ízlett, és én nem is tudtam megenni az egészet.“

“Borzasztó nagy adagot adnak…”
“Lehetne kissebb, mert félek megfog látszani a vonalaimon, ha ezentúl mindíg ezt eszem! “

“Mennyiség és harmónia”
“ Egy barátom mesélt róla, hát elmentem. Nem bántam meg, még én is jól laktam. ui: nem vagyok gluténérzékeny, de én semmi idegen ízt nem éreztem rajta, és nagyon jó volt.“

“Ez tényleg gluténmentes?!”
“Zseniális volt!Hihetetlen hogy ez tényleg nélkülözne bármit, amit eddíg ettem.”
Tunyog P
Hétfő, Kedd – Zárva
Szerda, Csütörtök – 12:30-19h
Péntek, Szombat – 12:30-19h
Vasárnap – 12:30-19h